Grow With Us!

Want a career in cannabis trimming and garden work?
We are looking for reliable individuals to be a part of our team. We offer hands on training with several team leaders and trainers on every job site to get you experienced in no time.
Join the THC Team today by filling out the form and our HR team will get back to you!
The Cannabis Industry jobs have doubled in the last few years and with this immense growth, comes a need for new hires, but before a business can bring in new talent, it’s imperative to create a strong team.
One of the biggest missteps a business can make is to bring on new staff before building a solid infrastructure with the current staff. Strategic hiring plans are organized by the CEO at Trusted Herb Care which lead to an efficient and consistent collaboration in the workforce. Trusted Herb Care ensures diversity among team members which can result in greater productivity, profitability, and team morale.
Diverse workplaces employ people who represent a wide range of ages, races, backgrounds, languages spoken, sexual orientations, abilities (physical and mental), gender identities and nationalities. Trusted Herb Care understands that no human is alike, and our company welcomes everyone to a comfortable, fast paced environment where you can simply be yourself. The skills we teach at Trusted Herb Care will improve your career throughout the entire cannabis industry.
Follow us @trustedherbcare on Instagram for more information and to view our latest content!
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